I Like History, Castles, and Re enactment too.
on this blog I'm sharing my love of all things Historical .

Tuesday 30 October 2012

Largs Viking Village

I had a load of time on my hands so I got involved with a re enactment group for a week and really loved it!
me in viking kit with a harris hawk
 new starts in the kitchen,
 suites me fine nobody can eat better than me!
I turned from kitchen help,
  to kitchen slave

so that's me tied to the kitchen sink

 while Im here going nowwhere I can tell visitors about the viking kitchen

but the team The Swords of Dalriada did let me free for the battle scene

 I ended my time in the viking age with the boat burning night we walked in prossesion along the shore front and burned a viking long ship.

I had the best time ever, I so want to do it again!!!!!
