I Like History, Castles, and Re enactment too.
on this blog I'm sharing my love of all things Historical .

Tuesday 19 May 2015

Loudoun Hill 2015
this is the first gig of the year for the Swords of Dalraida,  the battle of Loudoun hill.
The Battle of Loudoun Hill was fought in May 1307 between a Scots force led by Robert Bruce and the English commanded by Aymer de Valence. It took place beneath Loudoun Hill, in Ayrshire, and ended in a victory for Bruce. It was Bruce's first major military victory. The battlefield is currently under research to be included in the Inventory of Historic Battlefields in Scotland and protected by Historic Scotland.
                        Adam joined us in his first live
                                    re enactment Battle and loved every minute.
back left to right,  David(Potsie), me, Craig, Brian
front left to right, Paul, Adam, Kevin.
