I Like History, Castles, and Re enactment too.
on this blog I'm sharing my love of all things Historical .

Saturday 28 March 2015

Something New to Do For Re enactment

The first year I started doing re-enactment it was great just to be involved in the group and learn the ropes and most newbies start in the kitchen in our group, (see earlier posts) but I wanted to do a bit more of the history I love.

At most "gigs" as we call them which is where the group is invited to a town fair or festival to show the people about history, there is two kinds of show the group does,

The Battle re-enactment   as the name suggests is the fight, warriors display the armour, weapons and fighting styles that were used in that period.

                             The Battle of Bannockburn ( 1314 Medieval)

The  Living History   This is where the group shows the visitors the everyday history  or how the people would have lived in that time period.

The village church at Largs (Vikings 1263)
Penny and I are interested more in the Living History part of Re-enactment
so we thought we would leave most of the fighting to the young lads.
I took on the role of a monk or Priest for the village. so I could teach visitors to the Largs village about history.
The White Monks, in reference to the colour of the "cuccula" or white robe worn by the Cistercians over their habits, -as opposed to the black robe worn by the Benedictine monks. The original emphasis of Cistercian life was on manual labour and self-sufficiency, and many abbeys have traditionally supported themselves through activities such as agriculture. Over the centuries, however, education and academic pursuits came to dominate the life of their monasteries
